Entries by Web Admin

Creating a Security-Forward Culture

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is a part of our everyday lives. Both at work and in our personal lives, we possess and access large amounts of sensitive data that must be protected.

Banking Scams

If there is one thing we can all agree on, it’s that protecting our hard earned money is a top priority. As financial institutions release new methods for us to access our accounts, new opportunities emerge for scammers to leverage.

Lost Smartphone Scam

Your smartphone is likely an integral part of your life. Not only is losing it an inconvenience, but it can also be a major security risk as well. New scams are emerging that take advantage of lost devices, which could put your sensitive information at risk.

Debunking Security Myths

As technology continues to change and advance, keeping up with cybersecurity best practices can be a difficult task. With articles and advice floating around all over the internet, distinguishing what is true and what is just a myth can be a task in itself.

Erasing A Hard Drive

It may not happen often, but when it comes time to dispose of old electronic equipment, the process you take during disposal is critical. Improper disposal could lead to the exposure of sensitive company or personal information.

Stop Charging Your Phone in Public Ports

Imagine your phone is dying, but you’re not home, and you really can’t be without it. So, you hunt for the nearest outlet or charging station to refill. We’ve all been there, and while this recharge seems harmless, there are concerns you should be aware of when charging your device in public.

Good Device Hygiene

Like automobiles, buildings, and our own bodies, devices require a bit of maintenance. Ignoring simple actions, such as updating apps and deleting/organizing files, not only leads to degraded performance, it also invites security risks.

Security Tip: Utility Company Scam

We all have utilities like water, electricity or sewage that we are required to pay for our homes, apartments or condos. Scammers are leveraging this fact to trick property owners or tenants into paying them phony fees.

Security Tip: Unordered Office Supplies

Cybercriminals leverage a variety of sophisticated attacks, but Unordered Office Supplies scams are not your typical scheme. While they require minimal effort for scammers to facilitate, they’re highly convincing and difficult for organizations to identify and terminate.